The word rejection connotes so many things to different people, but to a writer, it means only one thing: someone has decided that your hard work and effort isn’t enough. The world of publishing can be mystical especially when you aren't familiar with the inner workings. Being a writer is similar to being a farmer – you work for many years on a product without income and then when it’s time to go to market, you do not have an idea if there is going to be a glut of your product or no demand at all.
As an upcoming writer, its important to condition your mind to be ready to deal with a lot of rejection– some of the rejection will be kind, and some of it downright mean-spirited. Some of it will come from readers, publishers, and believe it or not, a lot of it will come from yourself. As you internalize the opinions of others, you’ll start to beat yourself up.
As a writer, rejection is inevitable, but that doesn’t make it any less painful. So, how do you deal with rejection? Let’s discuss.
Whether the criticism is coming from publishers, editors, or readers, it can be useful to know how others view your work. Sometimes, these criticisms are important and will help you become a better writer in future. But there are some criticisms that you should just ignore outrightly. Especially those criticisms that attack your ability as a writer or that make a blanket statement against your manuscript, you should reject outright.
There is need to explain to yourself why you love writing, who inspired you to write and how do you feel when you write. Make sure you pour it all out. I guarantee that this will make you feel better. Do you know why? It will remind you that your identity is writing, whether others accept it or not. Furthermore, it will shift your focus from the sting of temporary rejection to the lifelong passion of sharing your writing with others.
You need to connect and make friends with other writers. You can join various online communities if you don’t know any writer personally. By connecting with fellow writers, you’ll commiserate over the common bond of rejection collectively. These communities are a great source of encouragement and support. Writers who’ve been there before you can help you work through your feelings of rejection. Furthermore, you’ll likely come in contact with an experienced writer who can take up the job of mentoring you through the publishing process.
If you’ve a story to be told, do not hesitate, tell it. Whether or not the publishers accept it or not, there will be someone will find value in your effort. You’ve just got to tell it. Never give up. Keep writing. Keep submitting. You must adapt and conquer. You can’t let rejection derail your process. Keep going and believe in your work. Always revisit your manuscript after a rejection letter and take what positive feedback you can from it and tweak accordingly. A manuscript is an evolving entity. And you’re the only person in charge of its destiny. In the end, these will make you a better writer.
Writer’s rejection can really take a toll on your self-esteem. It’s super important to take constructive criticism the right way. And never give up!
Being someone who considers themselves a writer is so complicated. I remind myself that I’m just writing for me, and if other people happen to like it then that’s just an added bonus.
Writers rejection is the absolute WORST! I have had many publishers tell me my book isn’t worth publishing but I have continued to work on it and other writing projects and now I am in the process of publishing my very first book! Just keep going and it will happen!